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The Corporation and Liberalism {An Excerpt from "The Minimalist Papers"}

Writer: J. FolleyJ. Folley

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

The corporation and capital is the natural corrupter of Liberal Democracy and of representative democracy in general. The individual man when subject to pressure that is relieved by monetary compensation is easy to corrupt. In fact liberal democracy has made the system work for the benefit of corporations and allowed the individual vote to be snuffed out by big business and capital. The corporation attacks the very principles of liberal democracy (life and liberty), and by the nature of liberal democracy one can assume that liberal democracy would not allow such a transformation. Corporations not much unlike liberal democracy wish to preserve the status quo by any means necessary unfortunately this has come to mean something abhorrently exploitative. In this very direct form of political manipulation you see such situations and an outlook on corporations as negative forces in politics as demonstrated by the following quote,

“…before the Citizens United v. FEC ruling removed constraints on corporate political spending, 80 percent of Americans agreed with the following statement: ‘I am worried that large political contributions will prevent Congress from tackling the important issues facing American today, like the economic crisis, rising energy costs, reforming health care, and global warming.’” (“Corporate Capture Threatens Democratic Government - Center for American Progress”).

However, the average American is too busy either as a slave to said corporations to gain any form of class consciousness and gain any differing idea of a new form of democracy. Instead, a reformed political system is dismissed as impossible and incompatible with American values as personal responsibility and ‘freedom of thought’ are the American way to freedom and liberty. The idea of a less intrusive state or the abolition of the state releases you to freedom of thought allowing you to unlock a healthy distrust in unjust authority in situations outside of the corporate owned political landscape. This idea is unparalleled by any rival philosophy and releases an individual to be free from bonds and social contracts. The papers on which the constitution was written is the material, spiritual, habitual and societal standard for freedom. As an anarchist I say we burn these false doctrines, as the founding fathers who advocated for the freedom of thought and expression would wish us to do. To hold onto an outdated document restricting our freedom is antithetical to the idea of the constantly changing and evolving American nation. Perhaps the abolition of the traditional nation state and to self govern amongst your locale is the truest form of freedom one can achieve.


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