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Remnants of Degeneracy within the Arts and Entertainment in Post-Revolutionary Society

Writer: M.I. GrierM.I. Grier

Updated: Feb 5, 2022


M.I. Grier

Upon the dawn of revolution, the rising working-class party springs into action to construct a socialist society. This is hardly an easy task to undertake. Being one massive project itself, it consists of various many components and problems to be improved upon, remedied, or solved. The process in which to deal with these smaller projects is transitory and encompasses several facets of society. It may be the existing state of education, then the workplace, or law enforcement, or even recreation. The primary goal in undertaking these tasks is to accommodate the needs and interests of the working class and developing socialism. Among those previous categories listed, the question of Arts and Entertainment in bourgeois society is no exception.

How do we manage and reconcile with the decadent and harmful nature of the capitalist dominated entertainment industry?

How do we manage and reconcile with the decadent and harmful nature of the capitalist dominated entertainment industry? Of course, the Party will use Marxism-Leninism as its foundations, as it must be applied for any issue which may arise but what is our specific goal on this matter? How are the working people’s interests and needs to be reflected in Entertainment and Art of a new society? An even more important question is how do we deal with and carry out this task without alienating the working class?


The Entertainment industry which consists partly of cinema and music may bring wholesome pleasures and genuine tranquility to the soul as it is not entirely made up in decadent form, but this ceases to be the case when it is resorted to as an escape. Escapism is where the decadence factors in through the invitation of the uglier side of the entertainment industry, especially with film.

People want to relax with a cigarette, loosen up with a drink, watch the game, or simply unwind in whatever way possible over the weekend and at times with limited means. Also among these options, they may have a film in mind to watch. A film is a piece of entertainment that may be of a questionable nature, and they watch it, they may be continuously exposing themselves to immoral thoughts and ideas. This applies to other forms of entertainment which also present themselves to be a problem. Such material is at times sought after because of stressors from working class life and an existence perpetuated by bourgeois management counter to a worker's interests and benefit, and as a detriment to their well-being and consciousness.


The general response would be to say that with socialism being developed, we will reach a point in which the worker can enjoy comfort and complacency, like no other time in history. Therefore they will no longer seek out such harmful entertainment for escape or pleasure. They now have more opportunities for cultural expression, many options of which to choose from that may not have been previously accessible to them. What was available to the rich is now provided to the working class. They have abundance, higher pay, access to quality and healthy foods, and vacations to places they never thought they would experience.

However ideal and wonderful this may sound, albeit do-able; access to cultural venues, literature, cinema, all to be subsidized to cheap prices must represent the new society. That simply cannot be done without addressing and providing a remedy for the bourgeois decadence that entices people in entertainment, no matter what stage of socialist development we may be under.

The goal does not consist of an alleviation of the crippling symptoms of bourgeois society, but the end of them. This is to be done in many areas, and entertainment is only one of them. Now we must ask, what is it that we do, exactly? The most obvious and direct answer is a state sponsored solution by the authority of the Party. The early stage of constructing socialism is when it is at its most fragile, requiring a solution involving a hands-on approach with much oversight. In the case of all problem areas within a post-revolutionary context, there must be specific Party affiliated and directed departments or consuls put to task on targeting their respectively assigned issues.

The issues exacerbated or created in a capitalist society exist in a vast array. However debating over whether capitalism caused them, which is likely, is not the point. What we do need to know is that capitalism will never provide a cure unless it is profitable. The best rehab facilities for any addict are available to the white collar-Blue need not apply. Such other general problems consist of alcoholism, drugs, addiction, of course but also absenteeism, unemployment, homelessness, labor abuses, or big money liberalism in political institutions that do not go away after a revolution. In this particular case of Decadence in the Arts and Entertainment, remarkably so, features and even glorifies every previously listed ailment, all problems of society, therefore placing the latter issue among those ranks.

A working-class Party must take initiative and establish a special council with the most effective staff for the purpose of eradication of decadence within the Arts and Entertainment.

A working-class Party must take initiative and establish a special council with the most effective staff for the purpose of eradication of decadence within the Arts and Entertainment. Its members must heed to guiding principles to be laid out upon its founding. The most crucial factor is the execution and guidance of the carefully chosen cadres tasked with managing this sector of society. The specially assigned workers are chosen on merits based upon proven and certified credentials in their respective fields relating to Art and Entertainment; As many art forms exist, we may have many candidates and only the best and most qualified are to be chosen. This department is not for individuals to enjoy films or marvel at paintings, listen to music, and make decisions based upon their personal taste. No dull and uninspired careerist chum will be permitted. The cadres in this sector are to be trained society builders. A very appropriate title seeing as culture is an integral part of society, right?

That goes for any one of them, but whether they are experts in one art form or multi-talented, they must know the bourgeois forms of art, the history of the decadence in the industry and Hollywood, and they must learn the history and style of Socialist-Realism and apply it to a contemporary American society.

Our well-trained and informed party functionaries in the field of Art and Entertainment must be versed in the principles of Marxism-Leninism and must learn to apply them accordingly. Their current credentials are not enough to hold occupy a position in the council. That goes for any one of them, but whether they are experts in one art form or multi-talented, they must know the bourgeois forms of art, the history of the decadence in the industry and Hollywood, and they must learn the history and style of Socialist-Realism and apply it to a contemporary American society. They must learn to dissect, and then compare and contrast between the good, bad, and the ugly of the bourgeois entertainment industry to exercise good judgement to recognize it if or when it appears under socialism. Essentially, the members of this council have been given the challenge of restructuring the entertainment industry, which includes Hollywood. That is a tall order, and no easy task.


Such a grand assignment is so far ahead into the future and is certainly too hypothetical to provide a step-by-step plan. It may not be completely foreseeable even under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism but a vision of such a future is not completely shrouded by darkness and uncertainty. We can still include basic standards and suggestions to be considered and here are the following:

1.) The working-class character of our new society should be represented as the working people must see themselves as they are in whatever medium of art. Surely, this does not mean that people must listen to music about Communism or watch movies limited to workers in factories or revolution.

2.) Violence must be presented carefully and in a decisive manner and context, necessary and educational, appropriate, but never glorified.

3.)Depictions of sexual activity and intimacy as a display of a romance are appropriate and perfectly in line with non-bourgeois entertainment but frivolous sexual activity is to be scaled down and highly discouraged. It should not be glorified in any way.

4.) The science fiction genre, in whatever medium, has much potential and always has and it can captivate audiences and it should have much focus. The Party should provide active encouragement on the growth of this genre.

5.) The genre that presents to us the most significant challenge is that of Horror. We must have a particularly watchful eye over it. There is much work to be done here, as there are several sub-genres of horror, some of which glorify gore and violence, and are of a very obscene nature whereas some set out to do what the purpose of horror is to do, to thrill you. There is much to be gained from thrills in life, just as we go sky diving, cliff diving, or bungee jumping, or even a rollercoaster. We should be able to go to the cinema with expectations, to have a laugh, a cry, or even in the case of a horror film we can have a thrill. Hands on control will be required to promote a solid horror film with a complete story and script, with the intention of bringing thrills and enjoyment to an audience, and not appeasing them with senseless violence.

6.) The most important guideline of them all, representing the most troublesome and grating problem within Hollywood is the dreaded social agenda. It is not truly made up of the so-called principles or representations it claims to hold, like social justice. It does not cater to moviegoers but to consumers. There lies no cultural value but rather contempt for moviegoers and film enthusiasts. This insidious factor with in the dynamo of Hollywood must be wiped away. Special care and attention must be paid to this problem by an Arts and Entertainment council or department. The primary goal is to provide Entertainment to the working class when constructing a healthy and happy socialist society. Therefore, we cannot have a so-called “Woke-ism”, or blatant “political correctness” rear its ugly head in every nook and cranny of the film and entertainment world. We cannot have it any longer as it is a remnant of bourgeois society, after all.

It may be of such a view to those in this to-be revolutionary Party, at the given time, to view that the Arts and Entertainment industries are not important or should receive secondary handling. This is an enormous mistake. It must reflect the collective values and principles of Marxism-Leninism within a kind of Socialism with American characteristics. The only doubt one should have is that the corrosive effect of decadent entertainment will not harm or sabotage socialism in its infancy, because it will. If we cannot solve or handle a social issue like we must many others, then why have the Revolution at all? Why fight in the name of, and for the working-class?

Is it truly more challenging than occupying and replacing a bourgeois government? Surely not. Every problem of a post-revolutionary society must be tackled with zeal and of the deepest convictions. Wherever there arises or lies a trace of the bourgeois regime, as there will be many, it should be stomped out. The entertainment industry is no exception. We have a working-class party controlling a working-class state for and by the working people who deserve the best of life, free of degeneracy and the obscene qualities of a bourgeois lifestyle that has affected them involuntarily for decades.

It is now our task and our duty to bring quality entertainment for the joys, pleasure, and complacency of a diverse American working class.

The vast entertainment industry was previously within the reach of the capitalists and run by capitalists, therefore meaning that post-revolution that it will be within the reach of the Communists and run by the Communists. It is now our task and our duty to provide quality entertainment for the joys, pleasure, and complacency of a diverse American working class.


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1 komentarz

J. Folley
J. Folley
03 lut 2022

Great Article!


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