Reserans Plena Potentia In Post-Moderna Societate
Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win-Chairman Mao

To Learn or to love, is to engage in a constant struggle against unnecessary dogmatism, and the fear of being wrong. In your life there are many moments of revelation and contemplation, which help shape your current perspective.
These moments are great successes in the overall project of unleashing unlimited streams of knowledge upon oneself, and creating the best life for oneself. But it should be pointed out that nothing worth accomplishing will be accomplished quickly and with ease, concession involves the giving up of an individual's position and the subsequent capture of victory by another.
But it should be pointed out that nothing worth accomplishing will be accomplished quickly and with ease, concession involves the giving up of an individual's position and the subsequent capture of victory by another.
Such a scenario will inevitably involve reckoning with new ideas in some fashion, during such an encounter expect to struggle against internal and external dogmatisms and sloganeering; In the case of Love or relationships a similar struggle against temptation and the fear of being wrong must be had. It must be explicated, whether Position A (your position) or your partner (Position B) is wrong, thus resolving whatever argument or issue which happens in the relationship as a whole.
As an individual you should be constantly growing, subsequently your views should change as you expand your horizons in education, and through personal investment into your relationships & friendships.
You [as an individual] should be constantly growing and moving forwards, consequently your views should change and progress as you expand your horizons in education and through your personal investment into your relationships.
In other areas [other than one currently discussed] you also must inevitably struggle to achieve great things.
A good example of this is in the case of relationships and friendships. You have to remember on occasion that others around you are generally unaware of your thoughts, anything you think and fail to communicate you should assume no one knows. There are very few valid reasons to stop yourself from expressing your feelings about others. Restricting who one sees and acknowledges as attractive or personable is only hurting you and your goals.
One should strive to express all feelings about others, the short term consequences of embarrassment or ridicule is an inadequate excuse to the potential positive impacts of giving compliments and interacting with others. Hiding your feelings towards others hurts you and whomever you wish to express them to. You have to express how (and sometimes even why) you feel a certain way or else people will be blind to the Aggregate Intentionality of your actions. If you are not expressive your actions will be perceived as meaningless or simply misconstrued into negative narratives unaffected by your most daring advances.
Strike first, and question your sanity later; better to do this and always remain conscious of those mistakes which one will inevitably make.
Strike first, and question your sanity later; better to do this and always remain conscious of those mistakes which one will inevitably make. You will remain sane but this is not the object of your interest. Instead the main goal and objective is simply the acquisition of this intangibly valuable experience, ie: an intimate relationship, or whatever your goal may be.
Dare to struggle, Dare to win
Persistence in adversity involves commitment to understanding that it is possible to be wrong and better to admit it than look like a fool.
There will be defeats, and victories in your life. This is as true in life as it would be in war. Since there will be Losses and Victories in your life which while equally important in the learning process overall, a loss should be considered preferable in my opinion. This is because I firmly believe (from personal Experience) that the largest jumps in knowledge will be at ‘gordian knots’ which require merely a swift chop of a sword to break apart. This gordian knot or brick will appear during your life, as sure as there will be battles in a war. And at this Gordian Knot and critical junction in your life, you will realize your previous mistakes and break through this wall of incomprehension. This will reveal the possibilities available and allow you to gain access to incomprehensible amounts of new information and solutions for issues you may have.
Life is made up of open highways and traffic jams, it is those traffic jams which make you appreciate the freedom of the open road.
Life is made up of open highways and traffic jams, it is those traffic jams which make you appreciate the freedom of the open road.
The Endless Fight
The fight against stagnation and inefficiency is a battle fought with the constant discovery and understanding of new ideas, a perpetual War involving many battles, and consistent dedication. The thirst for knowledge is a taste acquired by those with the ambition to succeed, however many believe they aren’t thirsty for knowledge. To learn unfettered is to look at all the facts and engage in a thorough and serious investigation of the facts. On such a basis your knowledge grows; this is the only foreseeable metric on which your knowledge may grow. In a relationship a similar endless fight must occur which (and while not a real fight) will be ongoing and continuous, a fight against temptation and negative influences. It is the nature of Man to long for those things which are positively unattainable, this causes many of us to fail to see the people and friends right in front of us.
“You make new friends, but keep the old one is silver and the other gold”
The fear of being wrong is a fear which should be your motivation, instead of something which prevents you from engaging with new information. It is always possible to be wrong, so always consider your point before espousing it to whomever you may be talking to. Before every thought becomes a concrete point of contention which you say aloud, think to yourself,”Could this be false?”. (In the case at hand) The fear of being wrong in a relationship or friendship should encourage you to engage yourself more fully in this relationship and explicate where such a fear is coming from. You will never beat your fear by running away from it, you must run in head first and dare to struggle and dare to win.
You will never beat your fear by running away from it, you must run in headfirst and dare to struggle and dare to win.