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A Brief Marxist Overview of the 13 Colonies Cultural Development

Writer: J. FolleyJ. Folley

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

New England

In New England the most progressive/radical religious group the puritans had the most 'progressive social values' and came here for mostly family building. They came here for less economic reasons unlike the dutch who wanted to trade and France who wanted furs. The Puritans came here for mostly religious reasons, they were mostly a progressive force, but were aggressive to outsiders. In New England a middle class grew from fish exporting and ship building and other such things. The Puritans in my view appear to be a socialist or progressive force for history.

Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies appear to have a more varied culture as well as more rich soil; thus becoming richer, they also engaged in trade this may have lead to more cultural exchange and thus a more 'rich' culture. The middle colonies being the most diverse probably also added to them being the most religiously tolerant. The middle colonies include New York and New jersey as well as Delaware. These colonists were crucial in calling for independence later on in the conflict. The religious tolerance and other such original attributes may have something to do with its now liberal nature; it is not in contradiction with itself. Upper middle class developed off of shipping and finance sectors as well as a lower middle class off of that development.

Southern Colonies

The South was the agricultural center of the colonial world, it was made up of either very rich elite slave owners, or small farmers. The small farmers did not benefit much from slavery and where pushed to act in a elite or 'bourgeois' manner; showing that the 'asshole' culture of the south is just ruthless opposition against a fake bourgeois social life. The rich relied on slave labour and they had rich soil, lots of access to labour, thus the rise of an elite culture imposed top down from the slave holders onto the rest of southern society. This led to them being mostly non-institutional in their religious beliefs which was a protestant conservatism. The divide between the wealthy and poor was ignored by the pushing of racism and bigotry, thus the tendency of the south to still trust wealthy capitalists is still something which happens today.

First Edition 9/27/2021

Second Edition 9/27/2021

Third Edition 9/28/2021


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1 Comment

Oct 18, 2021

Very based overview


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