Short post.
The establishments insistence on masks has lead to the proliferation of false science and the dogma of the "Right of Private Establishments" to reject decisively policies which are guided by reason and dignity; as juxtaposed to those policies which aren't Misanthropic to their very core, the policy of mask wearing is one which limits the personal freedoms and micro-liberties (smiling, minute social interactions) of all which feel obligated to engage. The dogma is widely proliferated on MSM and is a powerful tool to control the masses as it has become a point of Moral Significance, something encouraged delightfully by the rabid dogs in our institution. The supposed moral significance of Masks is minimal, although its polarizing effect has been widespread-turning society at large into an arena of 'morality' and further dividing society into segregated groups.
This is all so far, I may add more to this but i like this.